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Curated research library of TV news clips regarding the NSA, its oversight and privacy issues, 2009-2014

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Primary curation & research: Robin Chin, Internet Archive TV News Researcher; using Internet Archive TV News service.


Peter King
U.S. Senator, R-New York, Homeland Security Committee
CNNW 07/28/2013
King: There was absolutely no spying going on. This has been held by the courts through total compliance with the fourth amendment. And that type of irrational rhetoric gets us nowhere. The fact is this works. It protects us, and it's not violating the rights of one. Not one American's right has been violated. It's irresponsible to be coming out with those ridiculous statements. Crowley: I'll let you respond to irrational, and then we'll go to cornell. Chris Plant: listen, when we're scanning every piece of mail that goes through the post office, we're keeping the phone logs on every phone call made, we're collecting e-mails, collecting
Peter King
U.S. Senator, R-New York, Homeland Security Committee
CNNW 07/28/2013
Chris Plant: Google searches. We've got -- King: we are not collecting e-mails. Chris Plant: what we are -- King: we're not collecting e-mails. Chris Plant: we are.
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